There Is More To Africa

Than Water & Power Outages
& Chasing Chickens
August 7, 2011

Two fighting cocks ended up on our veranda yesterday.  One was obviously terrorizing the other, who ran behind the wicker love seat to hide and find safety.  I jumped up and attempted to shoo them off the veranda and and into the compound next to ours.  The weaker bird thought better and sought refuge through the open door into our living room.  I finally chased the victor out the front door, but the wounded and bleeding one buried his head in three different corners and under a coffee table ... leaving blood spots on the walls and floor.  Not until I grabbed both of his wings and heaved him out into our compound yard did this ridiculously funny episode come to an end.

This experience and the recent power and water outages, that we lived with while the team from Idaho was here, are not what make up my time and give me meaning here in Uganda.  They are minor and amusing elements that bring smiles to my face and generate some great stories.

Sarah, Rose, Paul, and Hannah
Hannah, Sarah, and Rose give an accurate picture of what helps define my destiny here in Uganda.  No, they are not Africans.  They are not here as missionaries.  They are three teenage girls from Oregon and Idaho who came to live life with Pam and me for 7 weeks here in Uganda.  They leave for the States two weeks from Tuesday.  Several days ago, they again reminded us that they wanted Pam and me, along with Nathan and Lainy Robertson, to be intentional with them and mentor them relationally.

Discipleship is not a program.  It is not a body of content and information designed to indoctrinate subordinates with personal theological convictions.  Discipleship is a mutually encouraging and empowering relationship that results in an intense and intimate following of Christ.  It involves giving away all that Jesus Christ has given us, particularly to the next generation regardless of what continent they live on, so that they have a better skill at living life than we ever did.

Edgar, Sera, Jeff
Last night we had the joy of sharing Edgar with these three young ladies.  Pam and I met and worked with Edgar in 2004.  Edgar lived in the same compound with us.  He is now 28 years old and he makes us proud.  When he first met us he was filled with selfish ambition to be an impressive apostle to the nations.  Today he lives in Western Uganda and works diligently to develop a high quality dairy on a farm for which he has great vision.

Last night he was filled with wise words, demonstrating fruit gleaned from the past several years.  He told the girls that there are few people who help sow seeds in the lives of young people and stay committed to them to see fruit from those seeds.  He expressed gratitude to the Lord for bringing Pam and me into his life, helping plant seeds in it that have helped him be who he is and come to where he is.  Edgar has made the transition from boy to man and become a real man of God over the past 7 years.  We delight in the amazing work of transformation God has accomplished in his life.

Love connection between America and Africa
Chasing chickens and dealing with the absence of comforts common and expected in the West are not even side bar issues with us.  Seeing the next generation mature, find their identity, and embrace their destiny is what makes our boats float!  Hannah (18), Sarah (17), and Rose (16) are well on their way to becoming amazing women of God.  The privilege they are enjoying here in Africa is providing them with a fantastic climate for spiritual and personal prosperity.  Soon they will have chicken chasing stories of their own to tell, but I'm confident that the focus of their lives will be on discovering and displaying the glory of Jesus ... wherever they are and in whatever they are doing!

To God be the glory.  Great things He is doing.
