With My Updates
March 23, 2011
I have literally had NO time to share what my life has been like over the past week. But, fortunately, my life has been consumed with ten amazing and wonderful people from Fairview, Oklahoma. AND, they have been maintaining a blog which can update you on my life. Their blog can be found
Stories they have written recently include:
Thursday At Bukeeka
Painting the floor with Jodi
Rock of Ages Nursery & Primary School
Sarah gives oral hygiene demonstration
From Nurses To Doctors
Nurses Byron & Dawn read the Xrays
Princess & The Pea
Princess & Amanda
Sunday In the Village
Sarah doing what she loves most!
Dove Voice Band
Sheri & Trent bust some moves
A Visit To the Widows
Don with Abe's Mother & Son
Enjoy these stories from Uganda. Again, you can access them
Am really so grateful about the work you are doing in Africa. Pretty sorry to learn that I am away from this welling well of service and blessings. My prayer and that of my family has always been that God breathes His breath of life in all your efforts and the teams that keep visiting with you. This is a park of just ordinary men doing extra-ordinary things! God bless you all!
Alenga Isaiah