Rain and All
March 18, 2011
Food prices were high and newspaper reports expressed worry across the nation as the drought continued. Many people told me rain was not expected until June. No one took into account that the Wiens girls were going to be a part of Team Uganda 2011. It seems as though these girls have the uncanny ability to bring rain to vacations, sporting events, and other activities where sunshine is preferred. I guess they are the reason Pam and I were up in the middle of the night closing windows and moving things from beneath them to keep them and the floors dry. I guess Amanda and Sarah also explain the joy in Uganda for the heavy rains that have fallen over most of the nation this past week. However, even in the midst of a raining season, sunburns are still available half a degree north of the equator. Several of the team from Oklahoma have visible proof.
Happy ROA Students |
Sarah Wiens ... "brush your tongue" |
Yesterday was a banner day. Instead of the daily trek to Bukeeka (pronounced
boo-cake'-ah) to paint and work on the water system, pencils, toothpaste, and toothbrushes were distributed at Rock of Ages Nursery and Primary School. After the morning visit to the school directed by Betty Wasswa, the team moved to the village of Naminya.
Abe's mother & son |
There they paid visits to Betty's husband's dairy and egg farm, to five widows who work together, and to Abe's mother and son. Abe was a good friend and frequent driver for Next Generation Ministries until his murder a couple of years ago. He and a member of the Oklahoma team, Don Neufeld, had a special connection with each other.
Sarah, Regina, Florence, Sissy, Margret |
Abdu's livestock |
The mud oven the widows normally work from for some income is down and needs repair ... which Bryon Baum is going to attempt today. Instead of watching the widows use the oven we were privileged to sit and hear each of their stories and relate with them. They showed us photos of clients to whom they have rented wedding dresses. A couple of these wedding dresses were donated to them by friends of NGM and are have become another source of income. The women from Oklahoma immediately began to plan to remove their wedding dresses from storage and add then to the resources of these delightful African widows. Their love for Jesus and their daily happiness from Him is remarkable.
Dove Voice Band |
Leave it to women from the United States to see an opportunity for shopping. Upon our return from the village of Naminya, six of them had Peter, our driver, rush them to town for a couple of hours of shopping before dinner.
Our evening guests for dinner were 19 Congolese refugees, the Dove Voice Band. Several said that their time with us has been the highlight of their mission so far. They sang, danced, and prayed for the team. They shared two new English songs they have written ... which we all thought would play very well in America. Their harmonies are great and their passion is contagious.
Let it rain. Let it pour. The Lord always seems to have more and more.
Follow more details of the OklahomaTeam Uganda 2011
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