Road Weary & Brain Fuzzy! |
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November 20, 2010
November 20, 2010
I woke up a little disoriented this morning; wondering what day of the week it was and what state I was in and where we had to drive to today. Ah … this is MY bed, MY bedroom, MY home … and I’m not going anywhere today. Well, except to see my daughter, son in law, and my four grandchildren.
Here are the statistics:
- 21 states
- 10,675 miles
- 2 oil changes & 4 new tires
- Too many restaurants & too many pounds
- 15 Churches
- Hundreds of people … old friends or recent friends and many new acquaintances
- Dozens of speaking engagements
- Numerous stories to tell
- No time on the computer to write them

We had a brief window of opportunity to travel across America and back after we returned to the United States and before we return to Uganda . Our desire was to connect with people who are a part of what the Lord is doing in Uganda through NGM or who may like to join us in it.
We spent the first couple of weeks in 90 plus degree weather … wearing shorts, sandals, and running the air conditioner. We returned in 24 degree weather … driving our car up a hill covered with 8 inches of snow and admiring the beauty of it across Montana and Idaho.
We have no regrets. Sure, our bodies are road weary and our minds are a little fuzzy. But our spirits are energized and our souls are satisfied. And we still love each other after all that “personal” time together! We would do it again in a heartbeat. Not today! But, with a week or two of rest … sure, why not?
Robyn, my granddaughter, sent me an email this week and told me to have Pam lock my office door and not allow me to work until my body is thoroughly rested. I think they conspired together. However, on Monday I intend to write a story about an amazing person named Amy whom we met on our journey. We met many, but I’ve chosen to write just one story. I don’t want Robyn to think I’m overworking!
This morning I simply want all of you to know that we are home. We were blessed by all of you with whom we connected. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your financial support. Thank you for considering joining us in Uganda to work together. We love you all.
Below is a link to a blog written by one of those with whom we connected during this trip across America. It will give you a snap shot of one of our stops and we suspect you might enjoy it.
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