The coronavirus pandemic of 2020, which soon became known as COVID 19, caught the entire world unaware and unprepared. Life changed. Life changed in so many ways that the entire year has been dubbed by some as the Age of Uncertainty.
People commonly and consistently complain about the restrictions and directives that resulted from this uninvited pandemic. They talk more about "the good old days." They place hope in 2021. They can't wait for 2020 to disappear into the past.
However, some have been able to see some benefits, blessings if you will, that have evolved from the restrictions COVID 19 forced on the world. Life has been slowed down. People have had to make decisions of priority. Life in general and even specific has been evaluated at various levels.
Next Generation Ministries did not escape the impact this contagious disease brought to the way it has operated over the past 15 years. Pam and I were unable to return to Uganda in 2020, much to our displeasure. God was in it. In our absence the NGM staff, under the leadership of Sylvia Subo, NGM Administrator, continued. The work not only continued but adapted to the pandemic limitations and loved the people of Uganda in spite of them.
Please watch this video and rejoice with us that the work of Next Generation Ministries has advanced and impacted hundreds throughout the year as the employees worked diligently, faithfully, and tirelessly for God's glory.
Paul and Pam your presence has been missed dearly this year 2020. However, as a result of your diligent mentorship, the ministry work did not halt.