The Jimmy Foundation

Jimmy Kiwanuka - October 8, 2018
In 2007 Jimmy Kiwanuka was interviewed by the United States Embassy in Kampala, Uganda in response to his application for a visa.  Well aware that getting a visa to the United States from Uganda is nearly impossible, I wanted my friend and pastor, along with two others, to come and pay a visit to all of their friends who had come to Uganda on short term mission teams. Our friends, Abdu Wasswa and Robert Sityo, were denied on the same day, same visit.

As is commonly said here in Uganda, "It takes God to get a visa to America!"

Jimmy received his visa and so it was that I became Jimmy's host, chauffeur, waiter, and provider.  America was more than he had ever imagined.  The first thing he noticed was that all the vehicles on the road stayed in their lanes without attempting to create new lanes when traffic jammed.

When I took Jimmy to a modern hospital in Olathe, Kansas, he looked in one patient room after another and simply shook his head.  He told me, "no one should die in America."

Which brings me to reason for this blog.

Susan, Jimmy, and Paul
This morning I met with Jimmy and our medical manager, Susan.  This past summer, Jimmy had some serious physical challenges and NGM Medical was there to help him with doctor visits, lab work, and treatment.

Unfortunately, the diagnosis was stage four cancer of the prostate.  To compound the disappointment, the cancer had spread to nearby organs.  After an MRI, chemotherapy was ruled out and Jimmy began taking medication which is theoretically designed to prohibit the reproduction of cancer cells.

Jimmy and Helen are taking this develop in stride.  Jimmy assured me that he is strong ... meaning though his body is undergoing serious attack from this disease, his spirit is focused on Jesus and the goodness of the Father.

Susan looks over the lab order from the doctor
We spoke of many things ... things rather left alone ... things that should be addressed when a person is much older than 52 years.  Things that awaken the reality of a man's mortality.

Jimmy is very aware that this cancer has been described as terminal by his oncologist.  He values every day of life God gives him.  He wants every breath that he draws and exhales to be for the glory of God.

Today, Jimmy went to the laboratory for some tests.  Friday, Jimmy will be returning to the International Hospital Kampala (IHK) for an appointment with his doctor.

If you are aware, Jimmy has served the body of Christ for the past 20 years ... without pay.  He and his family have been sustained by faithful donors to NGM.  However, those donations are not able to pay for his medical treatments.

Praying for Pastor Jimmy
This morning, the NGM administrator, nurse, and I , circled Jimmy and prayed for him.  We trust him to God.  As someone has well said, when we work, we work; when we pray, God works.

So, this is the physical status of our friend, brother, and board member of Next Generation Ministries.  We have started a Jimmy Foundation to collect donations for his medical treatments as well as provide for the future when his family is forced to live without him.

Please donate online now by using the Designated Funds button in the upper right hand corner.  Or, you can send your check to NGM, 29940 S. Dhooghe Rd., Colton, OR 97017.  Designate it The Jimmy Foundation.  All donations are tax deductible and will assist the stability the Lord will give this wonderful brother and his family.


  1. My heart is breaking for my Brother Jimmy and his sweet family. I join, with the many others who know and love him, in deep and earnest prayer. We release his care to God the maker of Heaven and Earth who can do miraculous healing in Jimmy if it His will. No matter what happens, Jimmy has been and continues to be a great example of a man who follows after God’s own heart! Love and prayers, Keith & Debbie Whiteneck

    1. Thank you so much Debbie. Your love means the world to Jimmy and all of here at NGM.

  2. Please pass along to Jimmy that Jodi and i will be earnestly praying for him and his family, we will pass this request along to our small group and our church and have his name lifted up before God for healing. Send him our love, Justin

    1. Thank you Justin and Jodi. We will tell him right away. Pam and I plan to spend time with him and Helen as much as possible. Thank you for praying for God's intervention. God bless you.

  3. Oh no, my heart bleeds for baba Mitchy, God alone can heal him. My family stands in the gap in prayer. He can move the mountains, he can heal the cancer. Pass our regards. Mr and Mrs John from Kenya

  4. I was unaware of Jimmy's condition, please give him and Helen our love. Karen and I will hold him up before The Great Physican for healing if it is his will. Leon & Karen

    1. Thank you Leon and Karen for your prayers. Jimmy's condition is just now going public.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this report about Jimmy's health. I will lift him and his family up in prayer, asking our Great Physician for healing, restoration and provision for Jimmy and his family. Lord, May the flood gates be opened and every need met, now and in the future for every area physical, financial, emotional and Spiritual. You alone know the beginning, the end and everything in between. You are in control and we trust you Father.

    1. Thank you Judy. Your love and prayers make all the difference in the world.

  6. Nothing is impossible for our God. At the cross he took all our illnesses and every infirmity. There is healing in the name of Jesus. I declare total healing upon Pr. Jimmy in the name of Jesus. He will live to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and he will testify.


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