To Live
August 8, 2011
"For three days after death, hair and fingernails continue to grow, but phone calls taper off."
Johnny Carson
Unbelievable Experience for Rose, Hannah, & Sarah |
Come on Pam ... really?!? |
Pam and I want to die so that others may live. We want to surrender what we have so that others may live. We have virtually no private life left. We live in community with an amazing couple when we are in Oregon. We have a constant flow of guest and short term missionaries revolving through our compound in Uganda. Does it bother me? Only when I am not living the crucified life where Christ lives in me.
Praying for Producer Adella |
It was a relatively small investment to finance this musical adventure. Last Thursday we ... Pam and I along with our two African children, Jeff and Sera, and Hannah, Sarah, and Rose ... spent the the better part of a day in the studio with the band. It was more than a musical project. In fact it seemed that the project simply provided a venue to rest in the arms of a Father who was willing to sacrifice His Son so that we might live. It was intimate, hilarious, sacred, creative, relaxing, unique, refreshing, and unforgettable. One of the girls, who shall remain nameless, laid her head on Sera's shoulder for the drive back to Jinja and started crying. When asked why, she simply said, "I don't want this day to end." She captured the emotions of all of us. We felt fully alive, our bodies, souls, and spirits souring with the the pleasure of the Lord's blessing.
The expenses in so many realms seem a small price to pay to see the life that is oozing from these next generation leaders. It's not a religious commitment that has brought so much life from these young Africans and Americans. It is the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus. Seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness really does yield temporal and eternal benefits. And, dying to live most certainly must be a foundational reality of the Kingdom.
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