God is ALWAYS in the middle of whatever!
July 12, 2011
Earth is the nearly the same size it has always been, but it appears to have shrunk due to the development of air travel and technology. People working half way around the world have the capability of arriving at their place of work in a day's travel, which used to take even weeks. They can also communicate instantly through Skype or conveniently through Facebook, email, text, and even reasonably priced phone calls! All of these advantages sure help us make the time away from the States more tolerable. Well ... most of the time!
Not as bad as it looks! |
I've obviously made it back online long enough to write this blog. I've not forgotten about you ... even if you have sent NGM a contribution, but it hasn't cleared your bank yet! I've wanted to write a blog about the great things God is doing here, but ... instead all I've been able to do is embrace what God wrote to us in the book of James:
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So, let it grow ...Please pray for us to resolve the Quickbooks program which has roadblocked me with the password we have been using for a couple of years. We have not figured out why the program decided to block me about a month ago. We are working on it. We need to have money wired to Uganda for some recipients, have receipts send to donors, and get our books up to date and balanced. If you have a check that has not cleared the bank, please be patient. If you are considering sending a contribution to the home office in Colton, Oregon that would be great. We are still receiving donations! I'm sure that we can get the software challenge defeated ... hopefully soon!
Above all, pray that I stay focused on the increase of my faith as seek to discover and display the glory of Jesus ... regardless of circumstances.
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