It's Nice to Be Carried
April 12, 2011
One of my best friends here in Uganda is Robert Sityo. If you are in the habit of reading my updates and blog you already know this. I've spent quite a bit of time with him lately. Actually we left for Kampala this morning at 7am and have been together all day. Robert shared with me that he came across a poem twice in three days. You may be familiar with it, but it was new to him. He figured it was not a coincidence. Instead he felt like it was an encouragement from the Lord.
Robert has had problem with his left foot since 2008. In 2009 some sores began to erupt on it and it was sometimes too painful to walk on. With little financial resource, many Uganda diagnose themselves and treat themselves. He never imagine that what he had was cancer.
Recently, after the foot had swelled on half of the sole of his foot and up the right side of it and he had several wounds on it, he decided to have a doctor look at it. The physician prescribed a biopsy and the lab results determined that he had cancerous tumors on his foot. This cancer goes by the label of Kaposi Sarcoma.
Peace in the eye of the storm |
Quite impressive |
The foot & leg in question |
A closer look ... mean and ugly! |
We made our way to the lab for blood work. It is nearly a full screening of his blood. He also gave blood to be tested, again, for HIV. He will give a 24 hour urine sample tomorrow and return on Thursday for a scan. He had an Xray taken after we left the lab and this work, minus the scan and urine sample, will have results by Thursday for the doctor's evaluation.
Common African pastime - waiting |
I think Robert's encounter with the Footprints in the Sand poem and our sense of peace in the midst of a city of 7 million crowded people and crazy boda and taxi drivers was a picture of God's intent for Robert during this time. God never promised we would never go through the fire or through the water, but He did promise that we would not be burned or drown. I have no indication of how this cancer story is going to turn out, but even if it leads to a young death for Robert, I believe Jesus will always be with him, especially when Robert is unable to walk alongside Him, but needs to be carried.
Thanks for joining us in prayer.
ADDENDUM: Tuesday evening, as I was editing the above post and inserting photos, we had a brown out and our Internet service was terminated. For the past two and days I've been reminded of how many things I take for granted and how an absence of those things can be frustrating here. I assumed that I would get this update out on my schedule, but ... here it is Thursday night, not Tuesday. Robert just left after leaving me a copy of his results from the Xrays, scans, blood and urine samples. The rest of his body appears normal and his blood is again HIV negative. Grace and Abdu were here and Grace prayed for Robert, mostly in Lugandan. I only heard her tell the Lord, "this is sad news, but our faith is in You. We have the report of the doctors, but whose report will we believe? We will believe the report of the Lord."
Abdu told me that Robert is going to going to preach on faith this coming Sunday. And, he reminded me that the name of the Lord is above every name. Cancer is a name that a disease has been given and the name of the Lord is above it, so our hope is in Him.
I left Robert with Psalm 27:14 ...
Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
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